Hey, Queen! I know you’re ready to level up your transformation…

To become the most confident, empowered version of yourself both INSIDE and OUT of the gym.

Oh, and to feel strong AF along the way.

Welcome to your dream
1:1 Coaching service

that unlocks your next level self, to Evolve physically, mentally and aesthetically. 

You’re fed up.

You’ve been trying to achieve your goals for what feels like forever, but no matter what you try, you can’t seem to get there.

You feel like you could literally scream “WHYYYYY” into a pillow.

Let me guess…this is where you’re at right now?

👉🏻 You feel like you’ve tried every diet, saved every TikTok recipe and feel like showing the middle-finger to every fitness influencer that tells you to just ‘hit your 10k steps and eat in a deficit!’ 

👉🏻 You’re frustrated that you’re trying so hard to be perfect, but fall off track after a week or two. And you just cant seem to break the cycle.

Deep down, you know another diet or another 6-week shred programme isn’t going to fix the problem. 

You KNOW in order to achieve your body goals, you need to work on your mindset. But you just don’t know where to start.

Are you ready to FINALLY achieve your dream body AND feel good while you’re doing it?

Our 1:1 Coaching service is for YOU.

I understand exactly where you are.

I have been there; in fact I spent many years in your EXACT position.

I knew I wanted to level up my body and results, but my mindset kept tripping me up.

I would be super strict through the week only to binge on weekends, and self-sabotage on the healthy habits and behaviours I knew were pivotal to seeing my results.

I now help my clients overcome these barriers QUICKLY and efficiently so that you can achieve your health and fitness goals and improve your mindset and life.

I have spent the last 4 years coaching 100s of women to achieve their dream physiques, and elevate their confidence to new heights they didn’t even think were possible.

We combine strategy and mindset techniques to make your fitness journey a breeze. 

Hayley Hill - Salon Owner 

Lauren Roads - Salon Owner

"The best investment EVER.

I have completely loved this journey & you girls have helped me feel the very best I have ever felt in my life - I love you for that forever! Thank you for everything, you have truly changed my life"

Ellie Sparrow - Fitness Coach

"The knowledge I have learnt from you and team EDC has been invaluable. I came to you wanting to level up and boy have I done that and SO MUCH MORE - I don’t think you’ll ever quite know the impact you’ve had on me!

I have never felt so confident in myself and as a coach and it’s all down to YOU. I am in love with my body and have truly achieved the physique I’ve always dreamt of!

You’ve opened doors I never thought were possible not just with fitness but personally and professionally too! Expanding my business, my confidence in every way, my strength, my physique, my dedication, my knowledge and my mindset."

1:1 Coaching:

The holistic all-encompassing coaching package for the woman who is ready to see SERIOUS results in her body, mind and life.


  • Training programme created to your goals, gym, time availability and any injuries

  • Initial nutrition analysis & plan to help you meet your goals

  • Weekly check-in feedback for continual assessment, adjustments and improvements. 

  • Stress, sleep and energy management

  • Lifestyle, habits and behavioural assessment and improvement

  • Mindset work to unlock your potential

  • 2 coaches; Annie your primary fitness coach and Evie your mindset coach - to provide you with the full experience to *truly* transform your life

  • Private coaching and personal whatsapp access

  • Access to our private Education Portal for clients with monthly webinars, a groupchat of likeminded women and 20+ resouces and recipe books

But that’s not all! On top of everything mentioned above, as a 1:1 client you’ll also get access to an ENTIRE Mindset Coaching Hub worth £997+.

This is provided by Evie Dawson, NLP coach and Behaviour Change Specialist.

Have a watch of this video:

And incase you need any more proof that the Team EDC methodology of mindset + fitness coaching works…

Our 1:1 coaching is for you if…

  • You’re craving a higher level of support, accountability and guidance

  • You are an action-taker, you don’t wait for motivation to hit because you know discipline is what will get you through

  • You take full responsibility for yourself and your life; you lean into us for guidance, but you know YOU are the one in the drivers seat

  • You’re ready to support, help and uplift other women within our community 

Our 1:1 ISN’T for you if…

  • You’re looking for a quick fix

  • You assume that signing up for coaching will solve your problems and you wont have to put any work in

  • You’re unable to take responsibility and accountability for your mind, body and life (and the decisions you make within it)

  • You don’t like coffee 

    (the last one is a joke… ish🤣👀)

Next Steps

  1. Fill out the application form below with as much information about you & your goals as possible:

2. Book in for a 1:1 Discovery Call with me (you’ll be prompted at the end of the form)

3. OR if you’ve got that feeling inside that we’re going to change your life (when you know, you know), click here to jump straight into my private DMs: ​​


  • This depends on your start point. Someone who has 20kg to lose will have a different timeframe than someone who has 2kg to lose. Upon uploading your initial starting photos, we’ll be able to make an assessment as to your *rough* roadmap and timeframes! Expect it to take atleast 2-3 months to start to see your body changing. From there, the fire is lit and we are all steam ahead 🔥

  • Upon filling out your application form, I’ll be in contact with an enquiry response as well as the investment breakdown! This ensures we only work with women who are the right fit for us.

  • A minimum commitment of 4 months is required to allow time for your body to adapt, but most of our clients stay for 12+ months once they realise the mindblowing results we create 😉

  • We can help you. The approach we take will vary woman-to-woman, depending on your triggers, frequency and history. We will work closely with you, on a 2:1 basis, to not only identify and fix, but completely get rid of your eating struggles. This takes both strategic nutrition and mindset coaching and may take a little longer than your typical 8 week fat loss plan, but it is worth it 100x over for the mental relief and ease you feel in your life once the work is done.

  • How much have ya’ got? This is going to depend on YOU. Some of our ladies workout 5x per week from the gym. Some workout 2-3x per week from home. We build your programme to suit your time availability, your needs and your life. We also will do a lifestyle assessment to find where we can buy back MORE of your time, through improving your routines, structures and boundaries. Told you it isn’t just fitness coaching 😉



For the woman READY to ditch the yoyo and transform her body, for GOOD.

  • Personalised Roadmap Strategy Plan

  • Bespoke Nutritional Plan

  • Bespoke Training Programme

  • Lifestyle Assessments, targets and adjustments

  • Mindset improvement courses

  • Sleep & Stress improvements

  • Full Form Video Feedback

  • Your personal coach! UNLIMITED Whatsapp contact, 6 days a week.

  • Weekly video-recorded check-ins and programme amendments.

  • Education Portal Access


£899 upfront or 4 x £250 p/m

*4 month minimum


The all-encompassing programme for the woman who is ready to go ALL IN and commit to becoming her best self. Here, I will coach you through a COMPLETE physique and lifestyle transformation. Your change will be supported through full 1:1 mindset coaching.

  • Personalised Roadmap Strategy Plan

  • Bespoke Nutritional Plan

  • Bespoke Training Programme

  • Lifestyle Assessments, targets and adjustments

  • Sleep & Stress improvements

  • Full Form Video Feedback

  • Your personal coach! UNLIMITED Whatsapp contact, 6 days a week.

  • Weekly video-recorded check-ins and programme amendments

  • Education Portal Access

  • Bespoke Mindset assessment; limiting beliefs, insecurities, anxiety, relationship with food etc (we can also work on topics outside of fitness, such as career and relationships)

  • Bi-weekly mindset coaching session (60 min) using NLP coaching

  • Personal Mindset Roadmap Strategy


£3300 UPFRONT OR 6 x £555 p/m

*6 month minimum package

You’re SOOO in…

But you’ve been burned by sh*tty coaches before and you’re apprehensive.

Book in for a FREE no-obligation consultation call to check the vibes, and see if we’re a good fit!

1:1 private coaching for women who are ready to Evolve their minds, bodies and lives, and finally build the confidence you’ve been craving.

Ready to Transform?