From restriction, bingeing and panic attacks to healthy, confident and thriving in just 2 years.

It’s been a JOURNEY of growth, let me tell you now!

Look, I get it.

There is nothing more frustrating than where you’re at right now.

👉🏻 You’re trying your absolute hardest to see the results; you feel like you’ve *literally* tried every diet under the sun and implemented every ‘discipline hacks!’ you can find on TikTok… and yet you’re still in the exact same place.

👉🏻 You spend hours trying on new clothes, only to feel horrible as soon as you see a photo of yourself next to your friends. It impacts your confidence day-to-day, and you’re fed up of the same old cycle you keep repeating with your diet.

I know all of this because I’ve BEEN there. I see it with every one of the ladies that join our team. You get to a point where you just decide you CANT stay as you are. 

This is why I created Team EDC.

I set out on a mission to help you overcome frustration, guilt and restriction and instead BUILD the body, mind and life of your dreams👑

Hey! I’m Evie, the minor (ok, major) coffee addict and mastermind behind Team EDC 🙋🏼‍♀️

I started in the fitness industry 6 years ago after suffering with body dysmorphia and disordered eating throughout all of my teenage years.

I was riddled with anxiety and would experience multiple panic attacks per week. My confidence and self-esteem was lower than low, and I fell into the toxic cycle of binge-restrict, and a binge-purge cycle.

I eventually fell in love with fitness and becoming stronger; my goal moved from being my skinniest self to being my strongest and happiest self. From that point onwards, I KNEW I had to become a coach and be the change in the industry I wished I had seen. 

I qualified as a L3 personal trainer and fitness coach back in 2020 and dove straight into coaching women to become their best selves. 

Over the years, I noticed a huge missing-piece in the fitness industry.

There was so many coaches teaching women how to lose weight, how to hit their steps and eat in a calorie deficit… but I noticed a pattern.

These women would finish their coaching and PT experiences and be absolutely LOST.

They’d end up back to square 1, no better than a fad diet cycle.

I couldn’t understand why so many women were being burnt by other coaches… while my clients were thriving for months/years EVEN after finishing up with me.

I discovered this one thing: they were never ever taught how to change their MINDSET.

Today, our coaching methodology encompasses the strategic training, nutrition and activity methodologies (all optimised and backed by science, obviously) ALONGSIDE holistic lifestyle and mindset coaching to help women truly take control of their bodies and lives, and sustain the results FOREVER. 

We guide our clients through all things stress, sleep, mindset, habits, behaviours and routine optimisation ALONGSIDE their 1:1 fitness and nutrition coaching. Because your confidence doesn’t come from being your leanest self, it comes from who you BECOME along your journey.

Meet Evie

> Hey! I’m Evolene Dawson, (but I go by Evie)

> I’m the CEO here at Team EDC! But my specialities lie in mindset change, emotional eating and changing the way you think 🤓

> Lover of a semi-skim cortado and fudgey chocolate brownies

> Self-development GEEK; catch me reading in my pjs at 7pm on a Friday night

> Listening to either D&B, Christina Aguilera, Heavy Metal or Rap in the gym. Depends on the day, but the vibes are unpredictable.

> BIGGEST fan of the movie ‘Burlesque’... it is my Roman Empire and I know all of the words off by heart

> Movement of choice: pendulum squat. THE BEST!

Meet Annie

> I’m the head female fitness & nutrition coach here at Team EDC! I’ve been working with Evie and the Team since 2022.

> Early morning riser and sun chaser (I love living in the sun)

> Enjoys cafe hopping, trying out new coffee’s and cakes

> A functional fitness fanatic; give her any ERG sesh and she’s there

> My other purpose in life is to look after dogs, secretly think I am a dog whisperer.

> Movement of choice: Push Press (hyrox QUEEN)